General Usage
Usage Examples
[button link=""]Button Text[/button]
[button link="" color="success"]Button Text[/button]
[button link="" color="primary" icon_before="twitter"]Follow Me[/button]
Required arguments - link: The full URL of where you want the button to link Optional arguments - color: view colors - target: _self, _blank, or lightbox - size: mini, small, default, large (view sizes) - class: Any CSS classes you want to add - title: Title of link, will default to button's text - icon_before: Optional icon before text (view icons) - icon_after: Optional icon after text (view icons)
Button Colors
In streamlining everything with Bootstrap, below you can see what we’ve come up with for colors.
The first seven colors are the actual standard button classes that come with Bootstrap. In frontend developement, it’s generally considered a best practice to name classes based on their actions opposed to their specific color or design. This is why you’ll see color ID’s you can use in the shortcode like “primary” and “info” for example.
Then, in extending this functionality further for WordPress users, we’ve also added many more colors to the system that can be referenced by their actual color name, as you’d recognize it. Additionally, keeping our Theme Blvd added color classes named this way allows buyers upgrading from prior versions of the framework to maintain what they’ve already setup.
Color ID | Usage | Example |
default | [button link="#"]Default[/button] |
Default |
primary | [button link="#" color="primary"]Primary[/button] |
Primary |
info | [button link="#" color="info"]Info[/button] |
Info |
success | [button link="#" color="success"]Success[/button] |
Success |
warning | [button link="#" color="warning"]Warning[/button] |
Warning |
danger | [button link="#" color="danger"]Danger[/button] |
Danger |
inverse | [button link="#" color="inverse"]Inverse[/button] |
Inverse |
black | [button link="#" color="black"]Black[/button] |
Black |
blue | [button link="#" color="blue"]Blue[/button] |
Blue |
brown | [button link="#" color="brown"]Brown[/button] |
Brown |
dark_blue | [button link="#" color="dark_blue"]Dark Blue[/button] |
Dark Blue |
dark_brown | [button link="#" color="dark_brown"]Dark Brown[/button] |
Dark Brown |
dark_green | [button link="#" color="dark_green"]Dark Green[/button] |
Dark Green |
green | [button link="#" color="green"]Green[/button] |
Green |
mauve | [button link="#" color="mauve"]Mauve[/button] |
Mauve |
orange | [button link="#" color="orange"]Orange[/button] |
Orange |
pearl | [button link="#" color="pearl"]Pearl[/button] |
Pearl |
pink | [button link="#" color="pink"]Pink[/button] |
Pink |
purple | [button link="#" color="purple"]Purple[/button] |
Purple |
red | [button link="#" color="red"]red[/button] |
Red |
slate_grey | [button link="#" color="slate_grey"]Slate Grey[/button] |
Slate Grey |
silver | [button link="#" color="silver"]Silver[/button] |
Silver |
steel_blue | [button link="#" color="steel_blue"]Steel Blue[/button] |
Steel Blue |
teal | [button link="#" color="teal"]Teal[/button] |
Teal |
yellow | [button link="#" color="yellow"]Yellow[/button] |
Yellow |
wheat | [button link="#" color="wheat"]Wheat[/button] |
Wheat |
Button Sizes
When, using the “size” parameter you can use the following sizes.
Size | Usage | Example |
mini | [button link="#" size="mini"]Mini[/button] |
Mini |
small | [button link="#" size="small"]Small[/button] |
Small |
default | [button link="#"]Default[/button] |
Default |
large | [button link="#" size="large"]Large[/button] |
Large |
Button Icons
Because of the awesomeness added by FontAwesomene, you can easily add and any of the supported vector icons. To do this, you simply use the icon_before
or icon_after
parameters (or both) and insert the ID of the icon you want to use.
[button link="#" size="mini" icon_after="circle-arrow-right"]Mini Button[/button]
[button link="#" size="small" icon_after="circle-arrow-right"]Small Button[/button]
[button link="#" icon_after="circle-arrow-right"]Normal Button[/button]
[button link="#" size="large" icon_after="circle-arrow-right"]Large Button[/button]